I've futilely been trying to put the news of the scaffolding collapse out of my head. Besides just being gory as hell, I'm a little wigged out knowing that I used to walk past that site frequently when I worked downtown and still have friends and associates who do. It's also creepy knowling that there isn't a state agency which oversees the inspection of machinery like that. Hopefully as the Columbus Center, the South Station tower, and other large projects are constructed over our highways and railways, stricter safety codes and policies for monitoring, inspecting, and maintaining that kind of equipment are put into place. I'm also waiting to see what kind of lawsuits arise from the accident. I'd be surprised if there were none.
Right? I was totally freaked out by that. All I could think of is how many times I have walked by that site. Kind of makes you think that when your number's up, its time.
Posted by: sha sha | Wednesday, April 05, 2006 at 12:58 PM